Measuring Watt?

Written by: Tony Harris, December 3, 2015


I penned a paragraph last year about defining rated power. It looked at the different definitions amplifier manufactures use. (see: ). But very often we run into issues in trying to replicate rf (radio frequency) results in different geographical locations. There are many reasons that this can occur; consideration needs to be given to the electrical connections – the physical and electrical length, shielding, grounding and many others including the height of corn in Kansas.

You may feel I jest, but there are occasions that one can find no other reason for the difference. Some people simply point to folklore of rf being a black art and that can be a Linus comfort blanket. I have had the good fortune to work with many very talented rf engineers in my career. Leonid Reyzelman was one; he refused the ‘Black Art’ label and insisted on reducing it to science.

And so, in his legacy, we at E&I strive to eliminate the ‘height of corn in Kansas’ factor. These days we can use Skype and videos to help support our customers. In the video here: our Service Manager, Jeff Koplaek, demonstrates a transducer being driven with one of the older ENI amplifiers, in support of a university research project. You will note that he doesn’t even mention the height of corn in Kansas.







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